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Tune in with me this Wednesday, July 22nd from 7pm - 8pm EST. A Ms. Janis Music song will be played on the radio, WPFW 89.3FM! There are not that many opportunities for the children's music genre to be on the radio, so I’m super excited for the upcoming chance and hope for a continued collaboration.

So, I set up a google meet, and I’d love for you to join me in listening and chatting during the show. I don’t know about you, but this sounds like fun to me. And I’d love to hang out with you guys and chat for a little while.
I have to tell you, I’ve really had it with this social distancing and I could use the virtual company. Especially if it’s a group of positive and supportive friends and family that want to listen to a program created and produced by Uncle Devin, a leader in the children’s music genre.
The @weenationradio program would be a great addition to your weekly routine with your kids. Listening to the show is an activity that can be intertwined with a bedtime routine. Stream the show while eating dinner or listen while giving your kids a bath and settling down for bed.

Every opportunity is a good opportunity to practice listening skills. I know parents staying put at home right now with their kids know that better than anybody! And teachers too! It is a skill that constantly needs to be practiced. After the show, have a discussion!
The program is positive, educational, and appropriate for all ages. Plus, you can play back the shows on the Wee Nation Radio website which means you can use past shows when teaching in your classrooms or homeschools.
Please comment below and let me know if you think you can make it to the listening party. And always, if you feel as if this could be of value to someone, please share.
RSVP to get the google meet info for the listening party now.